Banking details

Alakh Analda | ABN 56221163691| Byron Bay, Australia
Branch BSB: 062565 Account: 0070 6835
PayID: 0413 167 688 (Alakh Analda)

Pay by Internet transfer or a direct Commonwealth bank Deposit

Credit card by paypal – or by another secure site

Link to make a payment with your PayPal account.

Paying from overseas?

Banking details Please check – it seems the security service WISE offers the best exchange rate and fees
Alakh Analda BANK – Commonwealth Bank  Branch No – 062565 Acc No – 0070 6835


Commencing May 2024

Breathwork Mastery (RBM) sessions

$ AUD 495 per session

for four hours including preparation and follow up by email
and up to two hours live online

Three sessions within 24 hours
Total fee for three sessions $ AUD $750

In AEDS Australian eastern daylight savings time

This arrangement works for all time zones the big part of the session is by email before and after
With 90 minutes of personal attention


Availalable now

Consultations with Alakh 2024
Questions and Answers
by email

Booked by payment of $AUD 108 on this site

for RBM specific knowledge and skills in parasympathetic breathing activation,

coaching, processing, seminars or tutorials, assessments for RPL.

Training Professional Practitioners since 1993
Originator and author of the Breathwork Mastery Copyright material,
Beathwork Mastery RBM curriculm and training materials

and the International Certification in Breathwork Mastery Practitioner and Facilitator and
International Certification in Breathwork Mastery Trainer and Supervisor accredited by the Austalian Qualification Framework in 1998

$AUD 108 per hour – pre paid (Sydney Time zone)
For credit card payment via PayPal


Personal Immersion Breakthrough  Live in Retreat Intensive and
( starting date to be advised )

3 Breathwork Mastery sessions in 24 hours
Mind and Body Retreat Intensive In Byron Bay
total of  $AUD 975 for one or two persons


36 sessions in 21 days Immersion small Group Retreat
two sessions a day once Year (to be advised)

Live on  line – register your interest now
Live on line Australian AEST time two sessions a day

pre requisite – for International Certification in Breathwork Mastery 2024

stage 1 – 36 personal sessions in group workshops or live online with a RBM graduate Practitioner

apply for a current list with Zentium RBM Practitioners and Trainers who are available in different parts of the world.

RBM Graduates live in Germany, France, Spain, Ireland, Israel, USA and Russia as well as many parts of Australia. You will be negotiating with them for six session blocks – so the fee is negotiable – according to the individual RBM Graduate Practitioner for live online delivery

From Alakh
It is important to note that the IInternational Certification in Breathwork Mastery course online is now managed by Eleanor Mann Associate Trainer
with some live workshops in Australia and overseas.

Enrol in Practitioner training

Stage 1 – 36 personal Breathwork Mastery sessions live on line with Eleanor – or
live with RBM Practitioners and Trainers in Europe and Australia by negotiation
Stage 2 – complete 40 skills and knowledge self study seminars by 7 workbooks – as pdfs
Stage 3 – Practical training, development and assessments – Client Contact under supervision
stage 1 for live groups in differnt languages and time zones
Negotiate with the RBM graduates – get the list from Eleanor

dates of your choice


Breathwork Mastery RBM skills and knowledge for  Practitioner training or personal development study
4o seminars as Study material Workbooks for self paced study as pdfs

$AUD 2,200 (55 per seminar)

fees for Workbooks as pdfs
For participants of Practitioner training
1. Breathwork & Mindful Self Awareness 2#
2. Power of Breathwork 4#
3. Breathwork & Conscious Relating 6#
4. Chakra Consciousness and Breathwork Mastery RBM psychology 6#
5. Levels of breathwork experience 8#
6. Esoteric Mysteries and Breathwork Mastery RBM 8#

7. Metaphysics and Safety in a Breathwork Practice 6#

Note – to purchase these it agreed they are for personal metaphysical interest of universal laws for self study and an agreement not to repackage or resell or translate

40 seminars as 7 study books © 1998 Author and originator Breathwork Mastery RBM curriculum.
Director of Training Zentium International Training Organisation since 2000

International Certification in Breathwork Mastery
fees Stage 2
training material  as workbooks
Practitioner and Facilitator Skills and knowledge training in Breathwork Mastery specific key points

40 seminars in 7 workbooks as pdfs
Workbooks – theoretical skills and knowledge for RBM Practitioner

Practical unit of Supervised client contact and all training development and assessments


About Alakh

Alakh has an Advanced Diploma of Rebirthing Breathwork Mastery Trainer Training. She is a professional Breathworker since 1987 and Practitioner Trainer since 1993, and has delivered retreats, workshops and Practitioner Trainings in Byron Bay, Sydney, Spain and in Europe/UK. Alakh is now available for Live Online Breathwork Mastery.
Read more about Alakh


For information or bookings in any location:
+61 413 167 688


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